
Los olores medievales

Retrato de un hombre, 1518Al habla Frescca Farina… ¡Qué ilusión me hace volver a escribir en este blog! Digamos las cosas claras: en la Edad Media todo apestaba, no había alcantarillas como las de hoy, y las calles y ríos principales de las ciudades eran un cúmulo de suciedad. Eso traía olores que a mi particularmente me resultarían nauseabundos, además de múltiples enfermedades.

Popular Products for Subverting Drug Tests: Examining Their Effectiveness

Detox drinks, synthetic urine kits, and masking agents are widely marketed as solutions to help individuals pass drug tests. While these products claim to provide guaranteed results, it’s important to understand their limitations and potential risks before relying on them click

One popular product that drug users often turn to is detox drinks. These beverages are designed to flush toxins out of the body temporarily, giving users a window of opportunity to pass a drug test. However, the effectiveness of detox drinks can vary depending on factors such as the type of drug used, the frequency of use, and the individual’s metabolism. It’s crucial to note that detox drinks do not remove drugs from the system permanently; they simply mask the presence of drugs for a short period.

Another commonly used product is synthetic urine kits. These kits contain laboratory-grade fake urine that closely resembles real urine in terms of composition and temperature. Users attempt to substitute their own urine sample with synthetic urine during a drug test in order to pass undetected. While some individuals have successfully used synthetic urine kits without detection, there are risks involved. Testing laboratories are becoming more sophisticated in detecting synthetic samples, and if caught, individuals may face severe consequences such as loss of employment or legal repercussions.

Masking agents are also prevalent in the market and claim to alter or hide traces of drugs in bodily fluids during a drug test. These products work by diluting or altering the chemical composition of urine or saliva samples so that drugs cannot be detected accurately. However, testing methods have evolved over time, making it increasingly challenging for masking agents to go undetected. Some testing kits now include spot tests specifically designed to identify adulterated samples.

It’s essential for individuals considering these products to understand that no method is foolproof. Testing technologies continue to advance rapidly, making it harder for individuals using these products to escape detection. Relying on these products can have serious consequences if caught, such as losing a job or damaging one’s reputation.

La higiene en la Edad Media no se practicaba, no como ahora. Las personas normales no tenían siete pantalones y doce camisetas. No había lavadoras ni bañeras con hidromasaje. Habitualmente, las personas no solían usar agua para limpiarse a pesar de existir baños públicos donde se reunía la gente.

Pero en el transcurso de esta época, que duró siglos, la cosa empezó a cambiar… Los cruzados, que eran los guerreros cristianos que fueron a oriente a luchar contra los infieles, trajeron a Europa materias primas y técnicas de perfumería que los árabes llevaban usando mucho tiempo.

Las civilizaciones china y árabe habían descubierto antes que los alquimistas europeos el alcohol etílico y la destilación, elementos básicos para fabricar perfumes.

Digámoslo ahora, que no escuchan: las personas también apestaban. Y debían estar algo hartos de apestar, así que no debió de ser difícil llegar a la conclusión de que los buenos olores que empezaban a llegar de otras culturas tenían poderes curativos y desinfectantes.

Top Nootropics for Studying 2023 – Boost Focus & Memory

To determine the potential effectiveness of nootropics, it is essential to understand how these substances interact with the brain. Many cognitive enhancers target neurotransmitters such as dopamine, acetylcholine, or serotonin to regulate mood and enhance cognitive processes.

For instance, racetams are a class of synthetic nootropics that are believed to work by increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain. Acetylcholine plays a crucial role in learning and memory formation. By boosting its availability, racetams may improve short-term memory recall.

The Role of Nootropics in Cognitive Decline

One area where nootropics have gained attention is their potential role in combating age-related cognitive decline. As individuals age, they may experience a decline in cognitive function, including memory loss and decreased focus. Nootropics are often marketed as supplements that can help slow down or prevent these declines.

While research on the long-term effects of nootropics is still ongoing, some studies have shown promising results. For example, certain natural compounds like curcumin, found in turmeric, have demonstrated neuroprotective properties and may help reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

The Potential Effectiveness of Nootropics

Determining the effectiveness of nootropics can be challenging due to several factors. Firstly, individual responses to these substances may vary significantly. What works for one person may not work for another due to differences in brain chemistry and genetic makeup.

Secondly, it’s important to note that nootropics are not a magical solution for instant cognitive enhancement. They should be seen as part of a holistic approach to brain health that includes proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management a fantastic read

Los llamados baños árabes, que en muchos casos eran judíos, seguían usándose. Las especias aromatizaban las aguas de estos lugares y, aunque seguía habiendo condenas de orden moral, su uso se extendió entre algunas clases sociales.

Pomo o poma de la Edad MediaLas grandes damas tampoco lavaban sus ricos vestidos, por no estropearlos, y fue necesario idear algo. Nació un artilugio que fue extendiéndose entre las personas pertenecientes a las capas altas de la sociedad, y su uso se extendió hasta el Renacimiento. Este artilugio es la poma, que hacía las veces de perfumador y adorno. Era una bola de orfebrería perforada donde se introducía perfume, hierbas aromáticas, especias, ámbar o almizcle, y se llevaba como colgante alrededor de la cintura. Con la poma se encubrían los malos olores propios y ajenos, y además de esa forma se intentaba proteger a la persona de enfermedades.

Mi olfato detecta cualquier anomalía olorosa, así que sabed que siempre es mejor oler a agua que embadurnarnos del más caro de los perfumes, si no estamos limpios. Puagggg… ¡Qué asco!

Es mi opinión.

By Frescca

Frescca Farina es la perfumista oficial de Qilania. Su nariz está cotizada en 100 millones de qips. Ha viajado alrededor del mundo olisqueándolo todo y refinando sus sentidos, y ahora trabaja en el perfume "que huele a Qilania".