
Conoce los animales con Priscila, la pez globo

A partir de hoy, los más pequeños de Qilania pueden viajar con Priscila, la pez globo, y conocer los animales del mundo.

Lo hemos puesto en abierto para que también los demás podáis conocerlo:

Conoce los animales con Priscila, la pez globo, con la voz de Ana Bettschen

Top 10 Best Webcams for Zoom Meetings in 2023

In today’s world of remote work and virtual meetings, having a high-quality webcam is essential for seamless video communication. The right webcam can significantly enhance the video quality, making you look professional and clear during Zoom meetings, video conferences, and personal video calls. With the increasing demand for webcams, it can be overwhelming to find the best one that suits your needs without breaking the bank. But worry not! Get ready to upgrade your video meetings with these affordable yet reliable options.

Logitech Brio K Webcam: Top Pick for Zoom Meetings

The Logitech Brio K webcam is undoubtedly the top pick. With its impressive features and exceptional performance, it stands out from the competition.

4K Resolution for Incredibly Sharp Video

One of the standout features of the Logitech Brio K webcam is its 4K resolution capability. This means that your video will be incredibly sharp and detailed, allowing you to present yourself in the best possible light during Zoom meetings. Whether you’re showcasing a presentation or engaging in a face-to-face conversation, this high-resolution video quality ensures that every detail is crystal clear.

Advanced HDR Technology for Excellent Image Quality

Another reason why the Logitech Brio K webcam excels is its advanced HDR technology. This feature ensures excellent image quality regardless of the lighting conditions in your surroundings. So whether you’re sitting in a well-lit room or dealing with low-light situations, this webcam adapts and delivers outstanding visuals consistently.

Wide Field of View for Enhanced Coverage

When participating in group meetings on Zoom, it’s essential to capture everyone within the frame. The Logitech Brio K webcam offers a wide field of view, allowing you to include more participants or background details effortlessly. No one gets left out of the conversation with this webcam’s expansive coverage.

Built-in Privacy Shutter for Peace of Mind

Privacy is paramount, even when using webcams. The Logitech Brio K understands this concern and includes a built-in privacy shutter. When not in use, simply close the shutter to ensure that no one can access your camera without your knowledge. It provides peace of mind and reassurance that your privacy remains intact.

Logitech C Webcam: Impressive Specs for Lowlight Level Adjustment

The Logitech C Webcam is an excellent choice for Zoom meetings, especially in low-light situations. Its impressive specs and features make it a top contender for delivering clear visuals and high-quality audio during your virtual conferences.

Excellent low-light performance with automatic light correction feature

One of the standout features of the Logitech C Webcam is its ability to perform exceptionally well in low-light conditions. With its automatic light correction feature, the webcam adjusts the brightness levels to ensure you are always clearly visible even in dimly lit rooms. This means you don’t have to worry about investing in additional lighting equipment or relying on natural light alone.

High-definition video at 1080p resolution delivers clear visuals during Zoom calls

With its 1080p resolution, the Logitech C Webcam ensures that your video quality remains crisp and clear throughout your Zoom meetings. Whether you’re presenting slides or engaging in face-to-face conversations, this webcam captures every detail with remarkable clarity. Say goodbye to pixelated or blurry video feeds that can hinder effective communication.

Noise-canceling microphone enhances audio quality by reducing background noise

In addition to its impressive video capabilities, the Logitech C Webcam also features a noise-canceling microphone. This means that even if you’re working from a busy environment or have distracting background noises, your voice will come through crystal clear on Zoom calls. You can focus on delivering your message without worrying about unwanted sounds interrupting the conversation.

Easy setup and compatibility with various operating systems make it user-friendly

Setting up the Logitech C Webcam is a breeze, thanks to its plug-and-play functionality. Simply connect it to your laptop computer via USB, and you’re good to go. It’s compatible with various operating systems, including Windows and macOS, making it accessible for users across different platforms.


El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los acres, la pimienta

Un acre son aproximadamente cuatro mil metros cuadrados. Además de eso, algo “acre” es algo picante, de sabor áspero y, por tanto, irritante. Los condimentos acres no son muy recomendables en gran cantidad ni para personas con el estómagos delicado. Pero, utilizados en su justa cantidad, son deliciosos e incluso imprescindibles para la elaboración de ciertos platos. Es el caso de la pimienta que, hoy en día, es un condimento casi universal.

Price Range for Buying Rolex Replicas

One of the most popular brands that often comes to mind is Rolex. However, the price range for purchasing Rolex replicas can vary significantly depending on several factors. Let’s take a closer look at what influences the cost of these replica timepieces.

Factors Affecting Price Range

Several key factors contribute to the price range for buying Rolex replicas:

Quality and Accuracy

The level of quality and accuracy achieved in replicating a Rolex watch plays a significant role in determining its price. Higher-quality replicas are typically more expensive due to the meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail involved in their production. These replicas strive to closely imitate the original design, including intricate features such as dial markings, bezels, and even movement mechanisms.

Materials Used

The materials used in creating replica watches also impact their pricing. High-end Rolex replicas often utilize premium materials like stainless steel or even precious metals like gold or platinum. The use of these materials adds an air of authenticity to the replica and contributes to its overall value and cost.

Varying Price Ranges

Given the diverse market for replica watches, there is a wide range of prices available when it comes to purchasing a Rolex replica:

Entry-Level Replicas

For those on a tighter budget or looking for an affordable option, entry-level replicas are available at lower price points. These replicas may not possess the same level of accuracy or use high-quality materials as their higher-end counterparts but still offer an opportunity to own a visually similar timepiece.

Mid-Range Replicas

Mid-range replicas strike a balance between affordability and quality. They often feature better craftsmanship and more accurate detailing than entry-level options while maintaining relatively reasonable prices. These replicas provide an attractive alternative for buyers seeking both affordability and decent quality.

High-End Replicas

At the top end of the price spectrum lie high-end replicas that aim to replicate every aspect of a genuine Rolex watch. These replicas boast exceptional craftsmanship, impeccable accuracy, and the use of premium materials. While they may come with a higher price tag, they offer an almost indistinguishable resemblance to the original Rolex timepiece.

Considerations for Buyers

When determining the price range for purchasing a Rolex replica, buyers should consider their budget and desired quality level. It’s important to strike a balance between affordability and authenticity to ensure satisfaction with the purchase.

By understanding the factors influencing pricing and considering personal preferences, buyers can make informed decisions when selecting a Rolex replica that fits within their desired price range.

Che Dorée estornudando por culpa de la pimientaEn este caso, yo no fui el descubridor de la pimienta, la baya del Piper nigrum, aunque seguro que fue algún descendiente mío oriundo de la India. ¡Lo noto en la sangre! Después la especia llegó a Grecia y, de ahí, a todo el mundo. Aunque a nadie debió de ocurrírsele plantar una semilla, porque los exploradores de nuevos mundos aún buscaban el grano en los siglos XV y XVI. Ahora hay grandes cultivos en Brasil, por ejemplo, pero los mayores productores siguen siendo mis amigos indios (casi un tercio de la producción mundial), junto con Vietnam e Indonesia. Envío un saludo al viejo Rahji Quang de Bảo Lộc, quien me enseñó todos los secretos de la pimienta.

Según el tratamiento que reciban, las pimientas más utilizadas son:

  • La pimienta negra es la que se recolecta sin estar completamente madura. Se seca, ennegrece y se arruga. Se utiliza en guisos, estofados, marinados y adobos. Tampoco puede faltar en grano, o parcialmente machacada, en algunos embutidos… ¿Qué sería de un salchichón o una butifarra sin pimienta? También se utiliza triturada para recubrir patés y quesos. Y cuando uno dice “salpimentar”, casi siempre utilizará sal y pimienta negra, que es la más extendida de todas.
  • La pimienta blanca se recolecta ya madura. Luego se macera con agua salada y se pela. Suele ser la sustituta de la pimienta negra en salsas blancas (como la bechamel) y se utiliza con pescados, arroces y verduras.
  • La pimienta verde es la que ha sido recolectada antes de madurar. De ahí el nombre: “verde”. Es menos picante que sus hermanas blanquinegras, incluso a veces se utiliza en postres. Esta pimienta suelen venir en salmuera o vinagre.

Hay otras “pimientas” que no proceden de la misma planta y, por tanto, no sé por qué han de compartir el denominativo, como la “pimienta de Jamaica” (Pimenta dicoica, muy utilizada en la cocina caribeña y mexicana), la “pimienta rosa” (Schinus terbinthifolius) o la pimienta roja (o de Cayena, género Capsicum, chile, ají o guindilla, para los amigos). Exquisitas todas ellas, pero necesitan un nombre nuevo para no confundir al novel.

PimientaCon otros condimentos soy más flexible, pero no con este. En Loto’s cultivamos nuestra propia pimienta. Un día os hablaré de mí y mi restaurante. Pero ahora, precisamente, tengo que pimentar levemente un foie de primera categoría con una pimienta fuera de categoría: la Pimienta Especial Che Dorée. Como siempre, os espero allí a todos los que sepáis apreciar la esencia, el meollo y centro indisputable del homo sapiens. Si en los últimos siglos el hombre ha venido a erigirse en el centro de la existencia (antropocentrismo), el buen alimento, como regocijo y como elemento nutricional, se está convirtiendo gradualmente en el centro del hombre (cocinoantropismo). Palabra de chef.

Toda la serie sobre condimentos:

  1. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos
  2. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: la sal
  3. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los ácidos
  4. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los acres, la pimienta
  5. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los acres, la mostaza
  6. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los acres, el pimentón
  7. El maravilloso mundo de los condimentos: los aromáticos, las semillas